Design Bank Aspen is a client-specific, site specific custom-built design and fabrication studio with a long list of materials. I work with metals, wood, glass, plastics, fabric, minerals, composites. With decades of experience, I can offer a combination of materials and processes.

I invite you to bring your own creative ideas into the design and fabrication process. A simple sketch on a napkin, a note pad, a CAD drawing or a verbal description will be enough to get started. If you like, I can look at your space, get some ideas and you can turn me loose. I will create several concepts for you on paper, based on our introductory meeting 

I prefer onsite meetings as the most effective way to communicate and collaborate, although Skype meetings, emails or texts will get the process started.  Let's convert some ideas and raw materials into architectural jewelry to put the finishing touches on your project.  

Thank you for having a look at my website..

Wayne Kilbourn

Design Bank story..