This website illustrates over 30 years of aesthetic currency, designed and created for each individual client in many different environments. Every client, every structure, every design project has its own story to tell based on personality, 

In a home, art and design can induce peace, harmony, cooperation, contentment, whatever we intend.                                                   In a commercial space, art and design can be like a warm handwritten invitation to come in, sit down,  relax, enjoy..                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Or come in, look around, be in the mood to shop.  Sometimes,  just "wow, this is cozy in here" is all you'll need.                                                 

We can only influence certain spaces and places in our lives, so the design challenge is the right blend of sensory inputs that support who we are and what we're doing here... inhabiting, working, playing, loving.  After all, once we figure out what we're doing here, we need all the support we can get to achieve what we came to do and in the best mood we can muster. We can't help anyone figure out what they came to do, but we can support  them on their journey with props and effects which induce the best outcome.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It is a science.. a sensory science.  We'd love to help you imagine and create such environments.

Please, have a look through our website. Look through the gallery, keeping in mind that we have no limits in materials or processes. This is not about our expertise in metal or wood or glass. It is about mood, inspiration, sensory impulses and not materials or processes. The working experience within our team of designers, technicians and artisans averages 20-25 years of active practice. Personally, I have 35 years in the art/design business. Thus, the name Design Bank. A bank of talents.




ART AS CURRENCY                


Art and Design are a visual, sensory, highly emotional but unspoken language. Visual aesthetic value is like a currency, a quantifiable measure of a place, an environment, a family, an individual or a company.